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Learning Plan
For a Unit on Political Messaging

Learning Design for Higher Education



I designed this learning plan for a unit on political messaging that forms part of a Bachelor of Communication (Political Science) at an Australian university*, delivered fully online or in blended learning format.


Designed for 2.5 hours of learning, the plan gets students involved in a variety of engaging activities, resulting in them working in small groups to create a plan for a political campaign advert video. This feeds into the next part of the unit in which they go on to produce the campaign advert and compete against other groups to get their chosen candidate elected in a mock election at the end of the unit.


I based the design mainly on concepts of project-based learning, social constructivism, andragogy, and Laurillard's Conversational Framework. It's all about making the learning fun and engaging, while promoting teamwork and critical thinking, and helping learners develop skills they can apply in the real world of work after their studies. 


See below:

1. The learning plan

2. A video walk-through in which I explain design choices in more detail 3. My design framework


* Note that as a concept project, every aspect of the unit, course and university mentioned in this learning design is a product of my imagination!


Project Info









Theory & 


Learning plan for online / blended learning undergraduate course 




Course/Lesson/Materials Design


Andragogy, Project-based learning, Inquiry-based learning, Social Constructivism, Backward Design Framework, the Conversational Framework, ADDIE

Learning Plan

Learning plan - Political Science unit - pg 1

Page 1 of 2 - Plan

Learning plan - Political Science unit - pg 1

Page 2 of 2 - Features

Walk Through Video

* Walk through video with audio narration.

Design Framework

For my design framework I combined elements of the ADDIE model, the Backward Design framework and Laurillard's Conversational Framework, as shown below, with more detail in the walk through video above.

Design framework political science 1.png
Design framework political science 2.png
Design framework political science 3.png

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